The Heritage congregation gathers for worship on Sunday mornings at 10:00
We offer a joyful and meaningful worship experience. Our service, while traditional in structure, is informal and interactive. We worship in the Reformed tradition, involving our lay people as liturgists, musicians and occasionally as pulpit supply.
We are an open and affirming congregation, welcoming all people. Our worship is inclusive in nature and embraces many styles and traditions.
During our service, you will find Scripture readings and a sermon, as well as moments of quiet self-reflection, prayer and music. The peace of Christ is offered as we greet each other with a handshake.
Our music program is rich with talent. We have an active brass choir, adult choir, chime group, and wonderful opportunities for all to participate musically.
Our vocal and instrumental music includes traditional and contemporary arrangements as well as pieces written or arranged by Heritage musicians. We have purchased and are using the wonderful new Presbyterian Hymnal Glory to God. Music for singing is provided in the bulletin as well as projected on a screen.
We usually celebrate Communion on the first Sunday of the month, Christmas Eve, Easter, and Maundy Thursday. All believers are welcome to participate. Children are especially welcome at our worship and are invited to share this community meal with us.
We are handicap accessible.
Visitors are always welcome. Join us this Sunday and stay for coffee and fellowship following the service.